Describing life in one small patch of dry sclerophyll forest:
the plants, the insects, the birds and other animals …
and their myriad interactions.
twelve of our earlier favourites
The journey of a katydid nymph from fresh hatchling all the way through to the adult.
The back story on the discovery and naming of a new species of funnel-web spider.
A detailed look at the nesting behaviour and identification of two more Crabronidae, Sphodrotes and Austrogorytes – with a Bembix and Cerceris thrown in, for good measure.
An orchid lures a wasp with the promise of sex - to achieve its own reproductive needs
Triggerplants are among the speediest of plants. I take a closer look at the structure and function of their flowers.
Rebuilding our fire-damaged frog pond was an ideal opportunity for a pond-life audit
Three months on, the epicormic growth is astonishing. I seek to learn more, even as I marvel at a sight I may not see again for many years. Indeed, I rather hope not to.
Reflections on building to withstand a wildfire
Rearing caterpillars to discover which moth species they belong to can bring surprises!
On a rainy night, with Trapdoor and Funnel Web Spiders climbing the walls, it is a tiny white spider that catches my attention - and a large meal.
I look at one of the major contributors to energy flow in our forest ecosystem
I witness a formidable little monster - a lacewing larva - coming into the world