Only eyes for insects

Another summer come and gone. The highlights include several species we’ve never seen before. And not a single European Wasp in sight! This pest boomed in the early post-fire period. We are rejoicing in its disappearance.
Were insect numbers lower than normal this year? It did feel that way. Many of the large, showy butterflies barely made an appearance. Even my well-studied sand-nesting crabronids are harder to find. The crazy weather probably has something to do with it. Flooding summer rains after a long winter drought is not normal for our region. And perhaps the growing population of insect-eating birds is partly to blame. Those fairy-wren chicks are all doing just fine!
Yet the diversity of insects remains impressive.
beetles & dragonflies
Hemicordulia australiae
Lamprima aurata
on iNat
Synthemis eustalacta
on iNat
Carenum bonellii
on iNat
Hemicordulia australiae
see iNaturalist sighting
Diplacodes bipunctata … the individual in the cover image.
Diplacodes bipunctata
Hemicordulia australiae
on iNat
Rhinotia lineata
on iNat
Castiarina rufipennis
on iNat
Chondropyga gulosa
on iNat
Eleale pulchra
on iNat
Austroargiolestes icteromelas
on iNat
Chauliognathus lugubris
on iNat
bees, wasps & ants
Lophyrotoma interrupta
on iNat
Leioproctus … most likely
Elimus australis … this species is rarely photographed, but is now a regular summer sighting here. This is a male.
on iNat
Elimus australis … hunting caterpillars
on iNat
Theronia maculosa
on iNat
Thynninae … for the full story, see my latest blog
Lipotriches australica
Liptriches incanescens … always present when Persoonia blooms
Hylaeus kelvini … a first for our home list, and one of just 3 sightings on iNaturalist!
on iNat
Thynninae … for the full story of flower wasp coupling, see my latest blog.
Lipotriches australica
Hylaeus quadriceps … male, displaying on his favourite flower.
on iNat
Cerceris antipodes
on iNat
Myrmecia simillima … and this sighting in November was my last glimpse of a European Wasp (Vespula germanica). And it’s dead!
on iNat
Polistes humilis
on iNat
butterflies & moths
Trapezites symmomus
on iNat
Jalmenus evagorus
Ocybadistes walkeri
on iNat
Geitoneura acantha
on iNat
Heteronympha paradelpha
on iNat
Paralucia aurifer
on iNat
Nemophora laurella … a first for our home list, and not just the species. This is our first record of this family!
on iNat
Heteronympha merope
on iNat