Thynnine Hub

Until recently I have settled for identifying our local flower wasps to subfamily and leaving it at that. Despite their obvious diversity and the ease of photographing them in the field, identification beyond ‘Thynninae’ has seemed impossible.
But perhaps I shouldn’t give up so easily.
This page serves as a collation of our various notes, resources, references and blog posts relating to flower wasps.
Like all our workbook pages, these notes are a work in progress. Although developed simply for my own use, and no doubt imperfect, I’m happy to share these resources with interested fellow naturalists.
1. Morphology & terminology
2. Identification summary tables (matrices, ‘cheat sheets’)
As far as possible, I have concentrated on morphological characters that one might hope to see in a field photo.
Each of the tables below opens as a downloadable pdf.
3. Workbook notes
Links to thynnine workbook pages. These are typically a record of the steps and evidence behind an identification we have made. They often include numerous images of collected specimens, with reference to keys and species descriptions.
4. Biology, ecology, and discovery blog posts
Links to thynnine-related blog posts from the main part of our website. More recently my blogs have shifted from recognition of flower wasps generally, to the mechanics of the coupling.