Thynninae 2301H

Wasp collected 19th Jan, 2023 as an example of a species that seemed abundant that season.
5 Feb 2024: imaged metasoma and terminalia
14-15 Mar 2024: roughly cut away terminal segments of the metasoma. Imaged ‘whole’ insect only after this initial dissection (oops!).
Dissection of genitalia
Treated gaster apex, once isolated, in NaOH before further dissection. Note the I damaged the 6-7 junction during initial separation,
ventral view of gaster apex, after soaking in NaOH
Epipygium (T7)
Of particular note:
broad lateral lobes
apical depression
Hypopygium (S8)
Of particular note:
long apical spine (note that the upturned shape is an artefact of handing during dissection and imaging – it is suprisingly ‘bendable’)
short lateral spines/lobes
apical platform gently concave
Paramere & part of basiparamere roughly removed on left side.
Of particular note:
long medial extension of BP where fused dorsally
very short ventral fusion of BP
blunt apex of parameres
indistinct BP-P suture
This is a workbook page … a part of our website where we record the observations and references used in making species identifications. The notes will not necessarily be complete. They are a record for our own use, but we are happy to share this information with others.