pond life, aquatic invertebrates, frogsKerri-Lee HarrisMay 13, 2020batch 4 Autumn pond audit Rebuilding our fire-damaged frog pond was an ideal opportunity for a pond-life audit pond life, aquatic invertebrates, frogsKerri-Lee HarrisMay 13, 2020batch 4
SPECIES IDENTIFICATION, pond life, frogsKerri-Lee HarrisMay 20, 2018Pseudophryne, batch 3 Species, speciation ... and a new frog! A new frog for our home list, and a relatively newly-evolved species … a mere 10,000 years plus! SPECIES IDENTIFICATION, pond life, frogsKerri-Lee HarrisMay 20, 2018Pseudophryne, batch 3
Arachnids, Insects, Moths & Butterflies, Spiders, NIGHT LIFE, frogsPaul WhitingtonOctober 18, 2017Litoria peronii, Crinia signifera, batch 2 Nightlife in the forest It's all happening out there on a warm Spring evening in the forest Arachnids, Insects, Moths & Butterflies, Spiders, NIGHT LIFE, frogsPaul WhitingtonOctober 18, 2017Litoria peronii, Crinia signifera, batch 2
pond life, frogsPaul WhitingtonJune 20, 2017Litoria, Litoria ewingii, batch 1 Under construction - the frog We get to see some of the earliest steps in the formation of perhaps the most complex structure in the Universe - the vertebrate brain. pond life, frogsPaul WhitingtonJune 20, 2017Litoria, Litoria ewingii, batch 1
pond life, frogsPaul WhitingtonJune 16, 2017Litoria ewingii, Litoria, batch 1 More frog breeding Tracing frog development back to earlier stages - the young embryo. pond life, frogsPaul WhitingtonJune 16, 2017Litoria ewingii, Litoria, batch 1
pond life, frogsPaul WhitingtonJanuary 17, 2017Crinia, Crinia signifera, Litoria, Litoria peronii, Limnodynastes, Lymnodynastes peronii, Paracrinia, Paracrinia haswelli, Litoria ewingii, batch 1 Frog breeding We get to see how frogs make more frogs. pond life, frogsPaul WhitingtonJanuary 17, 2017Crinia, Crinia signifera, Litoria, Litoria peronii, Limnodynastes, Lymnodynastes peronii, Paracrinia, Paracrinia haswelli, Litoria ewingii, batch 1