A new diner at the pond

Throughout early Summer we've been treated to a chorus of calls from Emerald-spotted Tree Frogs. This has now stopped but it has been a productive mating season. Our pond is well-stocked with many large tadpoles, which are rapidly turning into young froglets.
On several occasions during the Spring and early Summer we were treated to the sight of a Red-bellied Black Snake searching for a meal in the pond. Surprisingly - given the number of tadpoles and froglets - we haven't seen this individual for some weeks.
However a couple of days ago a new, smaller RBBS turned up - on the same mission.
As you can see in the video below, the snake searched for frogs amongst the rocks, apparently ignoring the tadpoles.
This was a mistaken impression - as this image demonstrates. If frogs elude you, a big fat tadpole makes a tasty substitute.