A day trip photo essay
27th August, 2020
City Rock and the nearby heath, in the sunshine, with friends.
The plants
Spring has yet to arrive and already many plants are in bloom, including 3 species of orchid. Below is a glimpse, not nearly the full story!
The animals
A very brief peek into the rock pools, between waves and a rising tide. Then a general prowl around the cliff tops. Skinks aplenty, a few insects, a tiny spider, and a raft of fur seals.

View to the east from City Rock, a rock shelf on the southern side of Green Cape
We revisit a heath that was burnt several years ago to follow its regeneration
A brief glimpse is considered a 'good day out' when it comes to heathland birding
Just 10km from our home forest is a very different natural environment. Tawny-crowned Honeyeaters are a distinctive feature of coastal heath communities.