Entolasia stricta (Wiry Panic)

Habit and inflorescence
Straggling or shrubby wiry rhizomatous perennial usually to 0.8 m high but to 1.5 m high when straggling through undergrowth.
Widespread on both Lot 5 and 6 before Border Fire. Regrew strongly after the fire, appearing as early as 19 days after the fire.
Flowers late November to January, but flowering also observed in early May after the fire.
Floral Structure
Spikelets 2.2-3.5mm long, solitary
Lower glume 0.75-1mm long, glabrous; upper subequal to the spikelet, 5-nerved, glabrous
Lower floret sterile. No palea and awnless lemma slightly longer than upper glume.
Upper floret fertile and bisexual. Upper lemma 2.2-3.5mm long, as long as the spikelet, both it and the palea pubescent with fine white hairs.
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