Culicoides, Ceratogoponidae

Insect caught and imaged on 14/11/14
Insect caught and imaged on 12/3/20
Species identification based on Dyce, A.L., Bellis, G.A and Muller M.J. (2007) Pictorial Atlas of Australasian Culicoides Wings (Diptera: Certatopogonidae). ABRS.
Numerical characters used
Wing length (WL) measured from basal arculus to wing tip (mm)
Costal Ratio (CR) length of costa measured from basal arculus to tip of second radial cell divided by the wing length
Antennal ratio (AR) Combined lengths of the distal five segulae (distal flagellar segular XI-XV) divided by the combined lengths of the preceding eight segulae (basal flagellar segulae III-X).
Antennal sensillar pattern (ASP) presence of sensilla coeloconica that occur distally on some or all of segulae III-XV of the flagellum
Palpal ratio (PR) is greatest length of the third palpal segular divided by its greatest width.
Proboscis/head (P/H) ratio is length of proboscis from the torma to the tip of the labrum-epipharynx divided by the distance from the interocular hair socket to the torma.
Morphological characters of Culicoides Antennalis and Bancrofti groups
Subgenus unplaced, Antennalis group
Subgenus unplaced, Bancrofti group
Wing colouration pattern, wing length and costal ratio fit Culicoides bancrofti best.
This is a workbook page … a part of our website where we record the observations and references used in making species identifications. The notes will not necessarily be complete. They are a record for our own use, but we are happy to share this information with others.