Zaclotathra oligoneura, Phalangospidae

Original description
Chopard. 1951. Rec. S. Aust. Mus. 9:459
Endacusta oligoneura
Rather small with well defined brown markings.
Head with a median brown band above; frontal rostrum rather wide, rounded above
female 4/2/15
face brown with a wide yellow band in the middle and another one under each eye
eyes projecting, strongly narrowing in their inferior part
ocelli small, the posterior ones separated by a distance of at least double their width
antennae brown with small yellow rings
palpi brownish; fourth segment of the maxillary palpi much shorter than the third, fifth longer than the third, rather strongly enlarged at apex, with superior margin feebly concave
pronotum nearly twice as wide as long; disk feebly convex, furrowed in the middle and with two brown rounded prominences
lateral lobes dark brown with inferior margin slightly ascending backwards
female 4/2/15
abdomen brown, marbled with yellowish
supero-anal valve transverse with feebly notched apical margin
male 3/5/16
subgenital late long, narrowing before the apex, with two lateral valves in the shape of a forceps and a superior part tridentated.
Chopard 1951 Fig. 60
legs rather short, annulated with brown
posterior femora thick, without apical filiform part
spines of the tibiae short, 3 internal, 4 external
male 3/5/16
external apical spurs short, the median a little longer than the other two, the superior a little shorter than the inferior
median and superior internal spurs rather long, pubescent, the superior slightly exceeding the median
metatarsi long, feebly compressed, armed above with 5 small external spines, 1 apical internal one
elytra rounded at apex, nearly glabrous, brown with light veins
mirror rather large, triangular with convex posterior margin, with a very wide irregular reticulation extending nearly down the middle
chords almost straight; 2 or 3 oblique veins; diagonal vein rather low, brown, Sc vein thick, bearing 4 rather distinct branches
Chopard 1951 Fig. 46 male forewing
male 10/5/16
similar to the male; apterous
ovipositor with apical valves narrow ovo-lanceolate, acute
female on house wall, 9/2/19 2pm
female on house wall, 9/2/19 2pm
Length of body 11-11.5mm; pronotum 2-2.1mm; posterior femora 9-9.2mm; elytra male 5.5mm; ovipositor 8mm
Revision 1983
Otte, D. & R.D. Alexander. 1983. Monographs Acad. nat. Sci. Philad. 22:1-477
changed name to Tathra oligoneura
forewing venation as shown below: harp with 2 or 4 veins; mirror usually with irregular network of veins at posterior end.
male fw venation Otte and Alexander fig. 199K
male genitalia
male genitalia Otte and Alexander fig. 198H
body length 11.5-13mm; femur III length 9-10.5mm
ovipositor 4.2-4.8X as long as pronotum
body length 11-12mm; femur III ca. 10mm; ovipositor ca. 9mm; cercal length ca. 10mm
Revision 2003
Gorochov. 2003. Zool. Zhur. 82(9):1073
Changed name to Zaclotathra oligoneura
Animals collected at home
Female 4/2/15
Found on wall above deck
ovipositor 9mm long, body length 11-12mm, femur III length 10mm, cerca length 13mm
Female 12/8/15
Male 3/5/16
found dead in bedroom
Male 8/5/16
brought in with fire wood
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