Plants, fire and recoveryKerri-Lee HarrisAugust 09, 2021Spring 2021, batch 5 Ready for Spring Winter temperatures still, but the forest is clearly ready for the Spring transformation. Plants, fire and recoveryKerri-Lee HarrisAugust 09, 2021Spring 2021, batch 5
WaspsKerri-Lee HarrisMay 20, 2021Trigonalidae, Spring 2021, batch 5 Wasp Week While sitting in just one patch of forest for several hours in the course of one week … more than 20 wasp species from 12 different families. Including Trigonalidae, a tiny and bizarre family, rarely seen. WaspsKerri-Lee HarrisMay 20, 2021Trigonalidae, Spring 2021, batch 5
SPECIES IDENTIFICATION, Wasps, Bees & WaspsKerri-Lee HarrisOctober 27, 2020Spring 2021, batch 5, Thynnidae Getting to know flower wasps Flower wasps, Thynninae, are an important part of the forest ecosystem – it was time for me to learn more about them. SPECIES IDENTIFICATION, Wasps, Bees & WaspsKerri-Lee HarrisOctober 27, 2020Spring 2021, batch 5, Thynnidae
PlantsKerri-Lee HarrisAugust 25, 2020Spring 2021, batch 4 Rainbow Sundews A close look at the insect traps of Drosera auriculata, in all their glory PlantsKerri-Lee HarrisAugust 25, 2020Spring 2021, batch 4
Bees & Wasps, Bee IDKerri-Lee HarrisNovember 02, 2019Spring 2021, batch 4 Bees and peas Different bees use different strategies when it comes to tackling a pea flower. Bees & Wasps, Bee IDKerri-Lee HarrisNovember 02, 2019Spring 2021, batch 4
Bees & Wasps, Insects, Bee ID, SPECIES IDENTIFICATIONKerri-Lee HarrisJanuary 25, 2018Bees, digger wasp, Spring 2021, batch 3 More (about) bees An update on my quest to get to know our local bees. Bees & Wasps, Insects, Bee ID, SPECIES IDENTIFICATIONKerri-Lee HarrisJanuary 25, 2018Bees, digger wasp, Spring 2021, batch 3