Insects, Dragonflies & Damselflies, aquatic invertebratesKerri-Lee HarrisDecember 29, 2018batch 3 Dragonfly habitats Insects, Dragonflies & Damselflies, aquatic invertebratesKerri-Lee HarrisDecember 29, 2018batch 3
Dragonflies & Damselflies, Insects, Ecdysis, metamorphosis, pond lifeKerri-Lee HarrisJanuary 04, 2018Wandering Ringtail, Austrolestes leda, Austrolestes, breaking out, batch 2 Emerging damsels and dragons Damselflies and dragonflies undergo extensive changes during their final moult, adapting to the shift from swimming to flight. Dragonflies & Damselflies, Insects, Ecdysis, metamorphosis, pond lifeKerri-Lee HarrisJanuary 04, 2018Wandering Ringtail, Austrolestes leda, Austrolestes, breaking out, batch 2
Dragonflies & Damselflies, Insects, pond lifeKerri-Lee HarrisFebruary 22, 2017Austrolestes, Wandering Ringtail, batch 1 Our most common damselfly Austrolestes leda (Wandering Ringtail) damselflies - a summer breeding frenzy Dragonflies & Damselflies, Insects, pond lifeKerri-Lee HarrisFebruary 22, 2017Austrolestes, Wandering Ringtail, batch 1