Images of spring

Since late September, the forest has been transformed.

Pea flowers, lilies, orchids, and much more. Insect diversity is growing by the day. Quite literally. Each time the weather allows us to venture forth, cameras in hand, we come across a new butterfly, beetle or bug – some we’ve never seen before. And the changes will continue. Dianella budding is widespread and we have spotted some early Xanthorrhoea flower spikes.

A closer look at Amperea. The flowers are tiny, so Paul has had a few under the microscope.

For us, spring is as much about the growth in insect activity as it is about the flowers. We tend to prowl with eyes down, looking for tiny insects and spiders. As a result, the various birds that are getting serious about nesting are rather under-represented in our photo collection. They are there, filling the forest with territorial songs and display. We just have to find some time to look up. We will, soon.