A rare spider find
Wandering about the block one morning I noticed a small blob on the leaf of a low-growing bush. It turned out to be a tiny, weird spider I'd never seen before. I took a few photos and managed to disturb him just enough that he unpacked his legs and revealed a more typical spider shape.
After searching our usual resources to try and identify him, with no success, I decided to email Robert Whyte. Robert is a spider expert and has been developing 'A Field Guide to Australian Spiders' (since published by CSIRO).
I was thrilled when Robert replied immediately and enthusiastically. It seems I'd made a rather rare discovery - a male Arkys curtulus. They are highly cryptic and not many photographs of the males of this species exist. Neat!!
Feeling rather pleased with my observation skills, I very happily consented to the inclusion of my photos in the Field Guide. The book was launched in June 2017 - and this little Arkys features on page 118. An important inclusion to our library, of course!