Adrapsa ablualis. A good example of a North East Coastal moth. There are reports on iNaturalist from NSW central coast to far north Queensland.

Edosa tyrannica. There are only 7 records of this species in iNaturalist. All except this one are from Queensland.

Aglaopus pyrrhata. This attractive moth is widely distributed from Mackay to western Victoria. We haven’t yet sighted it in our forest.

Comibaena mariae. Another North East Coastal moth, ranging from Taree to Cairns.

Donuca castalia. The genus Donuca contains relatively large moths with an eye-catching spot. This one, a tropical/subtropical species, has been observed as far south as Coffs Harbour.

Thysanoplusia orichalcea. This moth has a distribution which extends into SE Asia. Pretty, but a pest of vegetable crops.

Axiocteta oenoplex. Another NSW central coast to far north Queensland species.

Chezala brachypepla. This moth has a wide distribution on the East Coast - from Bundaberg to Melbourne.

Speiredonia spectans. This exotic-looking species is found all the way down the East Coast, from Cairns to Eden. We’ll be keeping an eye out for it!