Square-headed wasp
Crabronidae: Crabroninae: Podagritus sp.
First time we’ve seen this species

Masked Devil (Greengrocer)
Cyclochila australasiae

Black Squeaker
Atrapsalta encaustica

Tau Emerald
Hemicordulia tau

'Dragonfly Demise'
I watched as this Tau Emerald flew in low and uncharacteristically clumsily over the pond … and then splash down, never to fly again.
Hemicordulia tau

hover fly
Melangyna viridiceps

masked bee
Hylaeus sp (?)

hover fly on Stackhousia
Melangyna viridiceps

Lilac Grass Skipper (butterfly)
Toxidia doubledayi … a male, feeding on Pimelea

Blue Flax-Lily
Dianella caerulea

Common Fringe-Lily
Thysanotus tuberosus

Common Fringe-Lily
Thysanotus tuberosus

Tiny, dark, and clearly a male.

Sacred Kingfishers ... our breeding pair, with skinks!
Todiramphus sanctus

Threatening Jumping Spider
Helpis minitabunda … an especially large and bold salticid. He repeatedly leaped at the camera lens during the photo shoot. The other common name: Bronze Hopper

Threatening Jumping Spider
Helpis minitabunda … rather impressive fangs!

flower wasps - odd behaviour
I’m still puzzling out what’s happening here. She’s gripping him in her mandibles and her head is in a drop of liquid. Feeding I guess, but not as I’ve ever seen it before.

cycad weevil
Rhinotia sp.
Family: Belidae

Aoplocnemis rufipes
Family: Curculionidae

Painted Apple Moth caterpillar
Orgyia anartoides

Ruby Bonnet
Cruentomycena viscidocruenta … seriously tiny, extraordinarily brilliant red

Ruby Bonnet
Cruentomycena viscidocruenta

Shining Cinnamon Polypore
Coltricia cinnamomea … are popping up all over the place

geometrid moth
Epyaxa subidaria

Kangaroo Grass
Themeda sp.

now in care, awaiting identification

now in care, awaiting identification

Stylidium graminifolium

Blue Flax-Lily
Dianella caerulea

tree fern
Cyathea australis
and a bit of bracken fern too!

grass tree flowering spikes
Xanthorrhoea concava

tiny Raspwort flower ... just 2.5mm high
Gonocarpus teucrioides

Wallaby Grass anthers, stigmata and ovary
Rytidosperma pallidum

Wallaby Grass florets removed from spikelet
Rytidosperma pallidum

hairy flower stalk (pedicel) of Rough Cranesbill
Geranium gardneri

bee fly ... a big one!
Comptosia sp. … the first time we’ve seen this species

longhorn beetles
Pempsamacra dispersa (larger) & Pempsamacra tillides (mated pair)
Family: Cerambycidae

Red Wattlebird
Anthochaera carunculata

Yellow-faced Honeyeater
Caligavis chrysops


Common Brown (butterfly) - male
Heteronympha merope … first sighting of the season

Yellow-faced Honeyeater
Caligavis chrysops

case moth caterpillar on grass tree spike
This caterpillar is now in care, so hopefully we’ll have an ID (in a month or four)
Family: Psychidae