Pterygophorinae species identification

Pterygophorinae species identification


Note: This is a “work in progress”. Changes may be made as I discover additional relevant information.

Identification of species in subfamily Pterygophorinae

The matrices below are designed to aid identification of all species in the 2 genera that comprise the Pterygophorinae - Lophyrotoma and Pterygophorus. Images from authoritative sources of selected species follow each matrix as a further aid.

Lophyrotoma analis

Lophyrotoma cygna

Lophyrotoma interrupta (including Lophyrotoma nr interrupta)

Lophyrotoma leachii

Lophyrotoma nigripes

Lophyrotoma zonalis

Pterygophorus cinctus

Pterygophorus insignis

Pterygophorus nr. turneri


Benson, R.B. (1938) “On the classification of sawflies (Hymenoptera Symphyta)” Transactions Royal Entomological Society London 87: 353-384

Benson, R.B. (1938) “A revision of the genus Pterygophorus Klug, sensu lato, with the description of two new genera (Hymenoptera, Symphyta)”. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 1:610-625

Costa, A. (1864) “Aeguisti fatti durante l'anno 1862”. Annuario del Museo Zoologico della Reale Universitá di Napoli 2: 8-138.

Kirby, W.F. (1882) “List of Hymenoptera, with descriptions and figures of the typical specimens in the British Museum”. Vol. I. Tenthredinidae and Siricidae. London: British Museum, xxviii Biodiversity Heritage Library link

Konow, F.W. (1905) “Familie Tenthredinidae”. In Wytsman, P., Genera Insectorum. Fasc. 29

Leach, W.E. (1817) “The zoological miscellany; being descriptions of new, or interesting animals. Vol. 3”. Shoe-Lane, London: R. and A. Taylor. Biodiversity Heritage Library link

Morice, F.D. (1918) “Notes on Australian sawflies, especially the “Authors' Types” and other specimens in the British Museum of Natural History and the Hope Collections of the Oxford University Museum; with diagnostic synopses of the genera and species, and photographs illustrating their structural characters”. Transactions of the  Entomological Society of London 66: 247-333 Biodiversity Heritage Library link

Rohwer, S.A. (1910) “Some Australian Sawflies” Entomological News 21:467-474

Schmidt, S. & Smith, D.R. (2006) “An annotated systematic world catalogue of the Pergidae (Hymenoptera)” Contributions of the American Entomological Institute 34 (3), 207 pp. link to this catalogue from Pergidae of the World website

This is a workbook page … a part of our website where we record the observations and references used in making species identifications. The notes will not necessarily be complete. They are a record for our own use, but we are happy to share this information with others.