Mud-nest wasp #1

This was Case Study 1 in the December 2021 blog A window into mud-nests.
Below is the full gallery of spiders from the five cells of that nest.
Also I’ve included additional shots of the larvae, not included in the blog post. Note that the larva from Cell 5 continued to develop after the others had died (Cells 2 & 3) or not hatched (Cells 1 & 4). Eventually larva 5 started to spin a cocoon, but then died also.
the spiders
The full contents of each cell was imaged on the day of collection, 14th November 2021.
Cell 1: egg and 11 spiders

Cell 2: egg and 14 spiders

Cell 3: large larva and 7 spiders

Cell 4: egg and 4 spiders (2 of them large)

Cell 5: larva and 5 spiders

This is a workbook page … a part of our website where we record the observations and references used in making species identifications. The notes will not necessarily be complete. They are a record for our own use, but we are happy to share this information with others.