Caeciliusidae, Psocomorpha

Vial: Psocoptera #143
Found in malaise trap collection from 2 Feb 2020-1 March 2020
“mainly inhabitants of green foliage and are usually yellow or brown” Insects of Australia. “specimens have been found singly on the underside of leaves of a large number of trees”.
length of body=1.5mm
Keyed out to Caeciliusidae (Caeciliidae) using Insects of Australia CSIRO
Suborder Psocomorpha: Antennae 13-segmented; tarsi 2-segmented; pterostigma thickened
Family Caeciliusidae: Adults macropterous; Labrum without narrow, sclerotised bands; Tarsi 2-segmented; Forewing venation distinct; Areola postica present; Forewings with at least a few setae on veins; M 3-branched in forewing; Areola postica free; Single row of setae on veins of forewing; No crossvein between pterostigma and Rs; Hindwing with posterior marginal setae of similar length.
venation close match to genus Caecilius. However no sign of dilated pulvilli on claws, which is stated by Edwards, 1949 to be a diagnostic feature of this genus.
Venation of Caecilius quercus Fig. 111 from Edwards (1949)
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