Caedicia, Phaneropterinae

Characters of subfamily Phanteropterinae
from Rentz A Guide to the Katydids of Australia p.162
head rounded, not usually slanted or frontally flattened
fore tibia in section square, especially apically
pro sternum unarmed
ovipositor variable in size and shape but usually sickle-like
Genus Caedicia (previously Phaneroptera)
from Brunner von Wattenwyl 1878 fig. 55
flat pronotum
distinct lateral edges of pronotum
tegmina narrow towards the apex
noticeably short ovipositor
Caedicia longipennis m. a — female — b. rear left hind leg c — sternites, female
d — ovipositor.
From Tepper, JG (1891-2) The Phaneropteridae of Australia and Polynesia. Trans. Royal Soc. South Australia. v.15.
dorsal part of pronotum flat, lateral edges more or less angular
hind femora unarmed or only with spines beyond middle
elytra lanceolate or slightly dilated beyond the apex
deflexed lobes of pronotum higher than long
hind margin of meso- and meta sternum lobed, lobes as long as high
breast very broad
deflexed lobes highest in the middle, hind margin either rounded or straight
marginal area of elytra irregularly veined
hind femora very stout at base
fastigium of vertex acuminate, almost contiguous with the frontal
elytra gradually narrowed from the middle, the first radial branch forked at or somewhat before the middle
from Rentz
Caedicia simplex
Brunner von Wattenwyl 1878 - named Caedicia olivacea in this paper
pronotum disco antice et postice subaeque lato, canthis ferrugineis
elytra medio longitudine pronoti duplo latiora, campis radiali et ulnari venulis transversis obliquis instructis, ramo primo radiali ante medium furcato, ramis duobus apicalibus integris.
femora postica subtus in utroque margine spinulosa
tibiae antice supra sulcatae, excepta spina apicali externa inermes
meso et metasternum triangulariter lobata
cerci male apice mucrone incurvo armati
lamina subgenitalis male rotundatim emarginata
ovipositor longior, valvula inferiore apice dilatata et rotundata
pronotum is equally wide on the fore and rear edges
dorsal side of the fore femora is unarmed
link to record on OSF with images of holotype
I had originally identified the individual shown in the following images (found at home in Wonboyn on 18/2/15) as Diastella latifolia. However this species is very similar to Caedicia simplex.
I have now downloaded Brunner von Wattenwyl’s 1878 paper, which describes both species and it shows drawings of one of the diagnostic characters - the femur of the forelegs (see images above). Comparing these drawings with the images of my katydid below, it is clear that this species is Caedicia simplex as its fore femora are considerably longer and thinner than shown in the drawing of Diastella latifolia.
male shown below abdomen 8mm, total body length ~30mm
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