1. FACE (viewed ventrally)
Face simply convex, without shield-shaped area bounded by carina.

1,6. MID TIBIA (viewed antero-laterally)
Two tibial spurs. The anterior spur is slightly shorter.

7. LATEROTERGITES (metasoma, viewed ventro-laterally)
T2 with relatively narrow laterotergite; T3-T6 with wide laterotergites, reaching well toward mid-ventral line.
Defined crease on T1-4 (arrows)
T7 not retracted.

2. FACE-FRONS (viewed laterally)
Upper margin of face with a median, blunt point (red arrow). This does not continue as an interantennal lamella. That is, the bump on the frons, below the ocelli (blue arrow) is a separate structure.

No median process extending from face, through interantennal space and beyond sockets toward medial ocellus. There is a median bump at the upper margin of the face (red arrow), and a broad tubercle on which the ocelli sit (blue arrow).

7. METAPLEURON (viewed laterally, anterior to right)
Metapleuron smooth and polished, without juxtacostal carina (pink arrow) and only a very narrow groove along upper margin (green arrows).

8. PROPODEUM (viewed dorsally)
Carination complete, except that anterior transverse carina (arrows) is interrupted medially … although there is a short carina more anteriorly (pink arrow)(?)

8. PROPODEUM & T1 (viewed dorso-laterally)
Anterior transverse carina interrupted medially. However, there is although there is a short ridge crossing the ‘area supromedia’ (pink arrow). Gauld’s Figure 579 lacks this feature.

SIZE (scale in mm)
Medium-sized wasp: body length = 7mm; fore wing length ~5.3mm

VENATION (left wings, viewed ventrally)
Fore wing: 3r-m absent; 2r-m is subequal to the abscissa of M between 2r-m & 2m-cu.