very small body length
Excluding the antennae & ovipositor, she is less than 3mm in length. Species in the minuta group are all small to minute, with most specimens being under 4mm long. This is also true for some species from other groups, but it immediately rules out some of the most commonly collected Megalyra such as M. fascipennis, M. rufipes, & M. shuckardi.
costa of forewing absent
The complete absence of a costal vein in the forewing points to the minuta species group.
short genae
Another feature distinguishing the minuta species group from other Megalyra is the distance between the eyes and the back of the head. That is, in dorsal view the genae are shorter than the compound eye.
flagellum slightly clavate
One further feature specific to the minuta species group is antennal shape … the apical segment being about twice as wide as the basal segment (see arrows).
Note also the 12 flagellar segments … a feature of all Megalyridae.