Epacris impressa (Common Heath) put on an impressive flowering display from early May but this has now waned.
Epacris impressa comes in a range of colours - all the same species though.
Epacris impressa provided a welcome source of nectar for Eastern Spinebills over the winter.
Styphelia ericoides (Pink Beard-heath) belongs to the same family as Epacris impressa. The first flowers opened in mid July, but most plants looked like this at that time - with their pink closed buds.
By mid August most Styphelia ericoides flowers had opened, displaying their bearded corolla tips. They are an absolute bee magnet.
Leucopogon affinis (Lance Beard-heath) began to open a week or two after Styphelia ericoides. It has similar shaped flowers which are also visited by a host of insects.