surprisingly vulnerable
Atrax sutherlandi. Despite their fearsome reputation, soft-bodied, slow-moving funnelweb spiders like this large female are at risk from predators. She would provide a highly desirable meal for a kookaburra, lyrebird or bush rat. A good reason for staying out of sight, under a fallen log.

attack as defence
Atrax sutherlandi. She’s vulnerable … but not defenceless. The classic funnelweb pose – reared back, fangs exposed and dripping venom – may be enough to deter at least some predators. Failing that, she can resort to a painful bite. But the hunting bird or rat wouldn’t die. The venom is only deadly in primates.
Having accidentally disturbed her (and taken the opportunity for a few photos), we replaced the log and so restored her protective cover. Gently. Carefully.