Globetail hoverfly
Sphaerophoria macrogaster … a very small species
Family: Syrphidae

Mating Globetail Hoverflies
Sphaerophoria macrogaster

Common Halfband hoverfly
Melangyna viridiceps

Eastern Wallflower Orchid
Diuris orientis

Eastern Wallflower Orchid
Diuris orientis

Hoverfly on orchid
The hoverfly Melangyna viridiceps visiting the orchid Diuris orientis

Tiger Orchid
Diuris sulphurea

Tiger Orchid
Diuris sulphurea

Large Flying Duck Orchid
Caleana major

Large Flying Duck Orchid
Caleana major

Large Flying Duck Orchid
Caleana major

Large Flying Duck orchid
Caleana major

Copper Beard Orchid
Calochilus paludosus

Copper Beard Orchid
Calochilus paludosus

Flower wasp - pair
Thynnidae: Thynninae

Mating flower wasps
Thynnidae: Thynninae

Flower Wasp
Thynnidae: Thynninae

Flower wasp
Thynnidae: Thynninae

Square-headed wasp
Crabronidae: Crabroninae
Pison sp. (probably)

Katydid nymph

Tau Emerald
Hemicordulia tau

Tau Emerald
Hemicordulia tau

Flatwing damselfly
Austroargiolestes icteromelas

Flatwing damselfly
Austroargiolestes icteromelas

Wandering Ringtail damselflies
Austrolestes leda

Bee fly
Meomyia albiceps

Wandering Ringtail damselflies
Austrolestes leda

Bee fly
Aleucosia calophthalma

Burchardia umbellata

Tiger moth
Amata nigriceps

Yellow Admiral butterfly
Vanessa itea

Tea-tree Emerald moth
Aeolochroma metarhodata

Beetle on Lomandra flowers
probably a false blister beetle (family Oedemeridae)

Golden-tailed Bull Ant
Myrmecia piliventris


Callitris seedlings
We were beginning to worry that we’d lost the Callitris rhomboidea, but we are now confident that these are they!

Leaf beetle
Paropsisterna cloelia

Long-jawed Spider ... with lunch
Tetragnatha sp.
Family: Tetragnathidae

Hairy Pink-bells
Tetratheca pilosa
Family: Elaeocarpaceae … the Quandong family

Many Flowered Mat Rush (a Lomandra)
Lomandra multiflora … with moth!

Orb weaver spider
Araneus …. probably

Common Aotus
Aotus ericoides

Lilac Lily
Schelhammera undulata
Family: Colchicaceae

Slender Rice Flower
Pimelea linifolia

Slender Lagenophra
Lagenophora gracilis

Ivy-leaf Violet
Viola hederacea

Slender Lagenophora
Lagenophora gracilis

Pelargonium inodorum

Button Everlasting ... with robber fly
Coronidium scorpioides

Wonga Vine
Pandorea pandorana

Mustard-bellied Snake
Drysdalia rhodogaster
A small, elegant snake - about a foot long

We’ve never seen such profuse growth of moss before. It is now dying back, having produced sporophytes.

Mustard-bellied Snake
Drysdalia rhodogaster

Aoplocnemis rufipes

Common Grass Blue butterfly
Zizina otis

Golden Weather-Grass
Hypoxis hygrometrica
This flower, which we saw for the first time soon after the fire, has now reappeared in Spring.

Garden Soldier Fly
Exaireta spinigera

a very large lauxanid fly
Family: Lauxaniidae

A tiny lauxanid fly
Sapromyza sp?

A small scarab beetle
… perhaps a flower chafer

Hairy Fan-Flower
Scaevola ramosissima

Lacewing eggs
Order: Neuroptera

Lauxanid Fly
Poecilohetaerus aquilus

Superb Jumping Spider
Sandalodes superbus
This large jumper raced up and down the trunk of a Mountain Grey Gum sapling, hunting insects.

Superb Jumping Spider
Sandalodes superbus

Dianella sp.

Checkered Beetle
Eleale sp
Family: Cleridae

Wandering Ringtail damselflies
Austrolestes leda

Ringtail competition
Male Wandering Ringtails compete for a mate, even as she is laying
(Austrolestes leda)

Sacred Kingfishers return
… the pair arrived at the end of September.

Wandering Ringtail damselflies
Austrolestes leda

At the nest hollow door
Sacred Kingfisher (Todiramphus sanctus)

A tiny bee on Wahlenbergia flower

To and from the nest as they cleaned out the debris
Sacred Kingfisher

Settled in for the Summer
… and wet from bathing in the frog pond
Sacred Kingfisher (Todiramphus sanctus)

A larger bee on Aotus flowers

Pair of Australian Wood Ducks with 12 ducklings
We think this family was just passing through. We regularly see another pair without young in the forest and suspect they may have made a nest in a Angophora tree in front of the house.

Taxeotis Moth
This moth Taxeotis stereospila was superbly camouflaged against the dead leaves on the forest floor. If you don’t see exactly where they land you have absolutely no chance of sighting them.

A section of the sea of spikes - Oct 15

Small Tongue-Orchid .... the beginnings
The steadily growing flowering spikes of Cryptostylus leptochila

Close up view of flowering section of a spike - Oct 13

First two spikes with opening flowers - Oct 15

Close up view of the opened flowers

more and more frogs!
Peron’s Tree Frogs (Litoria peronii) at the frog pond. It’s breeding time!

it's called amplexus
Peron’s Tree Frog (Litoria peronii)

Small-headed Fly
Family: Acroceridae

Purple Flag
Patersonia glabrata

Cap viewed from above

Side view of the fungus

Pores on the underside of the cap

Spores revealed at high magnification

Collembolan emerging from a pore

A pair of eyes, antennae and a segmented body

Showing off some of its six legs

This is a seriously small critter!