March fly ... with pink eyes!
Scaptia sp.
A species we’ve never seen before.
see iNaturalist record

March fly ... a compliant photography subject
Scaptia sp.
A species we’ve never seen before.
see iNaturalist record

mantis feasting on a beetle
Orthodera ministralis

the blue spot is a distinguishing feature
Orthodera ministralis

surprisingly cryptic for such a large insect
Orthodera ministralis

Broad-nosed weevil

Broad-nosed weevils ... a pair

Australian Emerald ... in flight
Hemicordulia australasiae

paired Australian Emerald dragonflies
Hemicordulia australiae

Australian Emerald dragonflies
Hemicordulia australiae

large crane fly
Leptotarsus clavatus

the large and colourful 'Mustard Ghost Moth'
Abantiades hyalinatus

Black-faced Monarch

Black-faced Monarch with captured moth

male Superb Fairy-wren

female Superb Fairy-wren

Blue Flower Wasp ... being uncharacteristically clumsy
These large wasps have been circling a couple of tree stumps, in numbers!
Austroscolia soror

Blue Flower Wasp, displaying bright blue wings
At the right angle, their wings flash brilliant blue.
Austroscolia soror

Goanna heading for a possum-filled tree hollow
Varanus varius

descending, defeated by the defensive mother possum
Varanus varius