mesopleuron rounded & unadorned
Without the carinae, tubercles or spinous processes present in some species.

propodeal enclosure is "type B"
Smaller than in type A:
1. width ~0.6x distance between tegulae (green lines), unlike 0.7-0.8x in type A.
2. median length distinctly less than distance from posterior point (green arrow) to the posterior margin of the propodeum. In type A, the enclosure extends to or beyond the mid point of the propodeum.

triangular enclosure with short basal striations
Propodeal enclosure is distinctly triangular (type B), with straight sides (green arrows), unlike the sinuate lateral margins of type A enclosures.
It is not wholly covered with longitudinal or radiating striae, instead having only short basal striations (white arrows).

enclosure not striated
The propodeal enclosure is small and triangular, as in the female. It is quite smooth, lacking the striations of many species.

clypeus with lamina
The clypeal lamina (a feature of many Cerceris females) is a “somewhat plate-like elevation arising from the median lobe” and it is “of much diagnostic value” (Evans 1981 pp300-301). In may be strongly projecting, incomplete medially (and so tooth-like), tapered, or entirely absent.
The medial apex of the lamina is indicated (white arrow).
viewed anteriorly (slightly ventrad)

broad, recumbent lamina
The clypeal lamina is low, barely any higher than the flanking clypeal lobes.
The apex of the lamina is broad (pink arrows show limits), nearly as wide as the median lobe. It has a small, median notch.
ventral view

recumbent lamina
Clypeal lamina “not protruding notably from the profile of head, its apical margin close to margin of clypeus” (step 31 in key, p. 308).
lateral view

clypeus with 5 apical teeth
The apical clypeal margin bears 5 teeth (arrows), the median tooth small.

male clypeus simple
The median lobe is weakly convex, the apical margin bearing 3 small, rounded teeth (white arrows). Lateral lobes bear brushes of long, amber hairs (green arrows).

square petiole, closely punctured
Petiole approximately as long as wide, sides nearly parallel.
“T1-3 with subcontiguous punctures, interspaces somewhat shining, weakly alutaceous” (wrinkled) (Evans 1981 p 357)

long, narrow petiole
Petiole longer than wide, nearly parallel-sided, bearing some long, pale setae.
Maximum width of T2 is ~2.3x that of petiole (see pink lines)

pygidial plate narrowly elliptical
Pygidial plate rather narrow, apex rounded (arrow).
posterior view, ventral uppermost

pygidial plate strongly punctured

male flagellum unmodified
In some Cerceris species, the male flagella have ‘tyli’ on the last 2 or more segments. Tyli are “elongate welts or smooth, polished streaks on the under surface”. No such modifications are discernible on this specimen.
dorsal view of wasp, (but as the antenna is curved, lateral view of underside of terminal segments)

male flagellum unmodified
Same antenna as in previous image.
ventral view of wasp, (but as the antenna is curved, medial/dorsal view of terminal segments)

Size: length ~8mm; fore wing 6.2mm
(Evans’ plesiallotype: length 10mm; fore wing 7mm)

Face extensively yellow.

The flagellum is dark above, pale below. The scape has a pale spot below/anteriorly.
ventral view

Pair of yellow spots on pronotum (green arrows).
Tegulae spotted yellow (white arrow)
dorsal view of thorax

Gaster generally black, with yellow bands or spots on T2 and T4-6.
dorsal view, gaster

ocellar arrangement
OOL (white line) greater than POL (green line)

Size: length ~9mm; fore wing 7.5mm
(Evans’ plesiotype: length 11mm; fore wing 7mm)

Face extensively yellow. Black tentorial pits and submarginal band.

T2 with indistinct yellow spots anterolaterally.

eye:genae equal
The width of the eye (green) and the gena are equal.
(In Evans plesiotype female, the genae was measured as slightly wider than the eye)

ocellar arrangement: pronotal carina
OOL (white line) greater than POL (green line)
Pronotal carinae not quite reaching dorsal surface (blue arrows)