Peak season: a very worn female
When females return with prey, they usually dive straight into their open burrow. But occasionally one will land, briefly. Perhaps she lost her bearings. Or maybe she needs to adjust her grip. She is ageing, her mandibles clearly worn. And she relies on them to hold the beetle’s antennae. Based on the obvious wear, and the date, she’s either of generation O (i.e. overwintering) or a very early 1st generation female.
2 February, 2023
Cerceris antipodes
Peak season: another showing her age
Over time, females start to show the ravages of a life spent digging and hunting. The mandibles wear, the teeth and tips becoming blunt. And the wings become ragged as they collect small tears along the trailing edges. This female is probably several months old. She will die before May.
19 February, 2023
Cerceris antipodes