Ghost Fungus
Omphalotus nidiformis
Growing at the base of a fire-killed Black She-oak (Allocasuarina littoralis) tree - photographed in daylight

Ghost Fungus
Omphalotus nififormis
Growing on a burnt eucalypt stump - illuminated by head torch

Ghost Fungus
Omphalotus nidiformis
Same field of view as in the earlier image, but with no illumination. The green glow arises from natural luminescence of the fungus. See my earlier post about this phenomenon.

Rhubarb Bolete
Boletellus obscurecoccineus
iNaturalist observation here

Cinnamon polypore fungus
Coltricia sp.

Ruby Bonnet
Cruentomycena viscidocruenta

Waxcap fungus
Hygrocybe sp.
iNaturalist observation here

Cinnamon polypore fungus
Coltricia sp.
iNaturalist observation here

Witch's Hat
Hygrocybe conica
iNaturalist observation here

Jelly Fungus
Tremella sp.
Growing on the cut end of a fire-killed eucalypt trunk. iNaturalist observation here.

Bracket Fungus
Hymenochaete sp.
Growing on burnt Black She-oak (Allocasuarina littoralis) stump.

Hairy Curtain Crust
Stereum hirsutum
Growing on fire-killed Black She-oak (Allocasuarina littoralis) trunk. iNaturalist observation here.

Hairy Curtain Crust
Stereum hirsutum

Curry Punk
Piptoporus australiensis
Growing on a fallen, dead and burnt Black She-oak (Allocasuarina littoralis) trunk.
iNaturalist observation here.

Curry Punk

Scleroderma sp.
iNaturalist observation here

Earthball after opening
Scleroderma sp.

Marshmallow Bolete
Fistulinella mollis
iNaturalist observation here

Bracket Polypore Fungus
Postia sp.
Growing on large, living but fire-blackend eucalypt. iNaturalist observation here.

Australian Chanterelle
Cantharellus concinnus
iNaturalist observation here

Slice through Horse Dung Fungus
Pisolithus arhizus
iNaturalist observation here

Yellow Earth Buttons
Phaeohelotium baileyanum
iNaturalist observation here

Gilled Mushroom
Gerronema sp.
iNaturalist observation here

Ocher-Gilled Barefoot Lepidella
Amanita ochrophylla
iNaturalist observation here

Gilled Mushroom
Family Inocybaceae
iNaturalist observation here

Spores of the Inocybaceae fungus
Family Inocybaceae

Blood Red Russula
Russula rosacea
iNaturalist observation here

Gilled Fungus
unidentified - very large cap

Pinkgill Fungus
Entoloma sp.
iNaturalist observation here

Gilled Mushroom
unidentified species

Prickly Broom-Heath
Monotoca scoparia
A healthy number of new bushes of this forb have appeared in the second post-fire year and all flowered heavily in early autumn

Common Heath
Epacris impressa
an iconic autumn flowering plant

Hairpin Banksia
Banksia spinulosa
This is the first year since the fire that this species has flowered

Common Correa
Correa reflexa var. speciosa
This species is flowering heavily this year

Common Brown Ringlet
Hypocysta metirius

Bank's Brown
Heteronympha banksii

Yellow-banded Dart
Ocybadistes walkeri

Painted Sedge-Skipper
Hesperilla picta

Common Brown
Heteronympha merope

Geometrid Moth
Parepisparis lutosaria

Eucalyptus Prominent Moth
Hylaeora eucalypti

Emerald Moth
Chlorocoma sp.

Lappet Moth
Entometa apicalis

Ichneumonid Wasp
Xanthopimpla sp.

Gasteruptiid Wasp
Gasteruption brachyurum

Ichneumonid Wasp
Tribe Cryptini
iNaturalist observation here

Ichneumonid Wasp
Tribe Gravenhorstini

Spider Wasp
Turneromyia sp.

Signal Flies
Rivellia sp.

Hoverfly (Melangyna virdiceps) feeding on Sunshine Wattle (Acacia terminalis)
This is the first time since the fire that this wattle has flowered.

Fungus Fly
Tapeigaster sp.
Defending territory on mushroom cap. iNaturalist observation here.

Polichne Katydid
Polichne sp. - probably Polichne ferruginea

Velvet Mite
Trombidium sp.

Octopus Spider
Tmarus sp.

White-throated Treecreeper
Cormobates leucophaea

Microeca fascinans
Not often seen in the forest, a pair of these birds spent some time hawking insects in an open area

Scarlet Robin
Petroica boodang
We’ve only seen this robin in the forest on a few occasions over the years

White-browed Scrubwren
Sericornis frontalis

Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo
Calyptorhynchus funerea
A flock of a half dozen of these birds made a brief visit to the forest, searching for beetle grubs under bark and extracting seeds from Angophora floribunda fruit

Golden Whistler
Pachycephala pectoralis