purple peas
Hardenbergia is out in all its glory. The first flowers opened in mid August, and now there are splashes of purple at ground level and adorning the many shrubs seconded by this scrambling climber.
Hardenbergia violacea (link to iNaturalist record)
peak wattle (?)
The wattle regrowth here in the forest, post the 2020 bushfire, has certainly been prolific. But just like the dense stands of autumn-flowering Acacia terminalis, Acacia longifolia is already starting to thin out ... due in part to insect attack. In the meantime, it put on a brilliant early-spring show this year.
Acacia longifolia
more yellow peas
This is typically the first of our three Pultenaea species to flower –but not the first yellow pea to appear. Bossiaea cordifolia gets underway in July, Daviesia ulicifolia mid August.
Pultenaea linophylla
These tough, spine covered bushes tend to grow in the same part of the forest as do the grass trees (Xanthorrhoea). Soil type, perhaps, or just chance. This is one of the least common pea species on our home list.
Daviesia ulicifolia
pink peas
Towards the end of August the first Austral Indigo buds opened. The many, spindly bushes reach their flowering peak around mid September.
Indigofera australis (link to iNaturalist record)