Spotted Swift Spider
Nyssus albopunctatus
Order: Aranea; Family: Corinnidae

Spider Wasp
Fabriogenia sp. (?)
Order: Hymenoptera; Family: Pompilidae

Crescent Honeyeater

Crescent Honeyeater

Eastern Yellow Robin

Eastern Yellow Robin

Netcaster Spider
Deinopis subrufa
The spider weaves a net using an elastic type of silk and hangs in a vertical position watching with its huge eyes for a prey item to pass beneath it.
Order: Aranea; Family: Deinopidae

Netcaster Spider
Deinopis subrufa
The huge central pair of eyes of this spider enables it to hunt at night.
Order: Aranea; Family: Deinopidae

Netcaster Spider
Deinopis subrufa
The spider weaves a net using an elastic type of silk and hangs in a vertical position watching with its huge eyes for a prey item to pass beneath it.
Order: Aranea; Family: Deinopidae

White-winged Chough

White-winged Chough

Clara's Satin Moth
Thalaina clara
Order: Lepidoptera; Family: Geometridae

Crest Moth
Fisera sp.
Order: Lepidoptera; Family: Geometridae

Golden-fringed Emerald
Chlorocoma dichloraria
Order: Lepidoptera; Family: Geometridae

Bank's Brown
Heteronympha banksii
Order: Lepidoptera; Family: Nymphalidae

Forest Scorpion
Cercophonius squama
Class: Arachnida; Order: Scorpiones

Forest Scorpion
Cercophonius squama
Class: Arachnida; Order: Scorpiones

Egg parasite wasp
Trichogramma funiculatum
This tiny wasp - about half a millimetre long - emerged from a lacewing egg in which it developed as a parasite
Order: Hymenoptera; Family: Trichogrammidae

Egg parasite wasp
Trichogramma funiculatum
Here is the same wasp at a larger scale.
Order: Hymenoptera; Family: Trichogrammidae

Common Eastern Litter Runner
Platyzosteria melanaria
Order: Blattodea; Family: Blattidae

Jumping Spider
Hypoblemum albovittatum
Order: Aranea; Family: Salticidae

Jumping Spider
Hypoblemum albovittatum
Order: Aranea; Family: Salticidae