Checkered beetle
Family: Cleridae

Leaf beetle
Paropsis ornata

Leek orchid
Prasophyllum sp.

Leek orchid
Prasophylum sp.

Onion orchid
Microtis arenaria (or perhaps unifolia)

Onion orchid
Microtis arenaria (or perhaps unifolia)

Spotted Sun Orchid
Thelymitra ixioides

Spotted Sun Orchid (hybrid)
Thelymitra x irregularis
(T. carnea x T. ixioides)

Spotted Sun Orchid
Thelymitra ixioides

Slender Stackhousia
Stackhousia viminea

Spotted Sun Orchid
Thelymitra ixioides

Spotted Sun Orchid
Thelymitra ixioides

Longhorn beetle
Family: Cerambycidae … (I think, based on eyes wrapped around base of antennae)

Bee Fly
Meomyia albiceps

Red Beard Orchid
Calochilus paludosus

Red Beard Orchid
Calochilus paludosus

Bee Fly
Meomyia albiceps

Bee fly

Globetail hover fly
Sphaerophoria macrogaster

Globetail hover fly
Sphaerophoria macrogaster

Hover Fly
Melangyna viridiceps

Hover Flies - mated pair
Melangyna sp.

Nomiine bee
Lipotriches (Austronomia)

Nomiine bee on Burchardia
Liptriches (Austronomia)

Nomiine bee on Burchardia
Liptriches (Austronomia)

Nomiine bee on Mirbela
Lipotriches (Austronomia) on Mirbelia rubiifolia

Nomiine bee on Mirbelia
Lipotriches (Austronomia) on Mirbelia rubiifolia

Large Flying Duck Orchid
Caleana major

Large Flying Duck Orchid
Caleana major

Large Flying Duck orchids
Caleana major

Yellow-bellied Water Skink
Eulamprus heatwolei

identity tbc

Water Striders
Tenagogerris euphrosyne

Whitewater Rockmaster damselfly
Diphlebia lestoides … with remains of crane fly lunch

Whitewater Rockmaster
Diphlebia lestoides

Wolf spider
Venator spenceri

Wolf spider
Ventator spenceri

Flower wasps

March fly

Lemon Flax Lily
Thelionema umbellatum

Lemon Flax Lily
Thelionema umbellatum

Dillwynia rudis

Slender Stackhousia
Stackhousia viminea

Common Fringe-myrtle
Calytrix tetragona

Fly ... (hover fly?) ... atop sundew fruit

Gumleaf grasshopper
Goniaea australasiae

Flowering grass
Anispogon sp.

Heathy Merbelia
Merbelia rubiifolia

Common Bog-rush
Schoenus apogon

Mauve-tufted Sun Orchid
Thelymitra malvina

Mauve-tufted Sun Orchid
Thelymitra malvina

Slender Sun Orchid
Thelymitra pauciflora

Slender Sun Orchid
Thelymitra pauciflora

Purple Flags aplenty!
Patersonia sp.

Variable Cirphula
Cirphula pyrrhocnemis

Purple Flags
Patersonia sp.

Purple Flags
Patersonia sp.

Gompholobium sp.

Heath moth
Dichromodes ainaria

Crambid moth
Hednota sp.

Crambid moth
Hednota sp.

Tiger moth
Amata nigriceps

Caesia sp.

Scaevola sp.

Yellow-bellied Water Skink
Eulamprus heatwolei

All together too bold!
Eulamprus heatwolei