Fringed Heath Blue
Neolucia agricola

Imperial Hairstreak
Jalmenus evagoras

Imperial Hairstreak
Jalmenus evagoras

Imperial Hairstreak
Jalmenus evagoras

Yellow-faced Honeyeater
Drying off, after a quick bath in the frog pond.

Common Brown
Heteronympha merope
Newly enclosed and emerging from among the grasses. After a few minutes the wings were fully expanded and this male took flight.

Common Brown
Heteronympha merope
Newly enclosed and emerging from among the grasses. After a few minutes the wings were fully expanded and this male took flight.

Common Brown
Heteronympha merope
Newly enclosed and emerging from among the grasses. After a few minutes the wings were fully expanded and this male took flight.

Stick insect
Ctenomorpha marginipennis
Now that this female has completed her final moult, we are able to be confident of the species identity.

Stick insect
Ctenomorpha marginipennis
Now that this female has completed her final moult, we are able to be confident of the species identity.

Stick insect
Ctenomorpha marginipennis
The short wings that confirm her identity.

Stick insect
Ctenomorpha marginipennis
Recycling the cast off exoskeleton

Stick insect
Ctenomorpha marginipennis
I'll release her soon ... although I fear that when I do she'll quickly become food for the voracious birds.

Red-bellied Black Snake
Now a regular visitor to the pond, here with a mouthful of frog.

Scarlet Honeyeater
Another visitor to the frog pond, and our first sighting of the Scarlets this Summer.

Sacred baby
Newly-fledged Sacred Kingfisher

Sacred Kingfisher
Calling for food, but otherwise surprisingly independent and confident.

Olive-backed Oriole
Summer breeding migrant, although never here in large numbers.

Common Flatwing
Austroargiolestes icteromelas

Yellow-faced Honeyeater

Grass Trigger-plant
Stylidium graminifolium

Grass Trigger-plant
Stylidium graminifolium

Grass Trigger-plant
Stylidium graminifolium